Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Do we really need to kill cats and put Cookie Monster on a diet?

I mean, is there nothing more important going on right now? I grew up watching Cookie Monster scarf down handfuls of doughy morsels and, somehow, have magically escaped the trap of obesity. I have had cats as pets for years and don't view them as a scourge to be assassinated.

I guess I have less trouble with educating kids about healthy eating habits than I do with people killing cats. If nothing else, given Wisconsin hunters' shaky track record with safe hunting (how many deer hunters fall out of tree stands or shoot each other each season??), is it really a good idea to introduce yet another reason for those so inclined to lock and load?

And while I'm ranting, why are there so many damned laxative commercials on during the evening news? Are people really THAT backed up? I wonder if Cookie Monster has anything to say about that...


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