Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Star Wars-gasm has begun

There's a guy in Seattle who's been waiting in line FOUR MONTHS to be the first to see Episode III. This strikes me as excessive. I'm excited, too. But I needs my bed and my coffee and my shower and a long list of other creature comforts. I think of this sort of like camping. I hate camping, therefore I don't camp. I figure that we didn't spend generations evolving out of e.g., caves for no reason.

At any rate, Hollywood Stock Exchange (a/k/a my reason-for-being in between class and work), is predicting Episode III will bring in more than $100 million this weekend, and I'm hoping they're right. I'm optioned up to my ears. It's all fake money, so who cares, right? I'm hoping George Lucas has pulled his head out of wherever it was firmly stuck. I mean, hey, Star Wars is his gig, he can do whatever he wants. But if Episodes I and II showed anything, it was that just b/c Lucas can, doesn't mean he should. As long as there's no Jar-Jar, nobody gets hurt.


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