Monday, July 17, 2006

On closer inspection...

It appears from that last post that I'm not really lost in Wisconsin anymore anyway. Time to move - never get too used to a place. It's not healthy.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


In about a month, I'll be moving from Wisconsin. No longer will I be Lost in Wisconsin. Nope, I'll be lost somewhere else entirely - a major metropolis in a different country, even. No more cheese curds, no more Packers, no more Badgers, no more Halloween riots on State Street, no more UW Law School, no more beers at the terrace. The list goes on.

Exciting? Yes. Very. My new country offers up a tasty array of things to get up to. The language is similar enough to my native language - shouldn't be much of a problem. But, as with any transition, uncertainty keeps tugging at my shoulder, bending my ear. It can be easy to get derailed and find yourself rocking slowly in the corner when uncertainty is unrestrained.

Must keep my head down, rolling on down the line.