Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Overheard on the bus today...

"So I'm 17 and he's like 22, so I could totally get him thrown in jail if he makes me mad."

That dude is f@$%*d. She's 17, which means the higher functioning parts of her brain are not fully developed. He's 22, which, for guys, means about the same thing. I do not have great faith that there's good decisionmaking going on there.

I hate the bus. I fear that if God rode the bus (like Joan Osborne seemed to think he did back in the mid-90s), (s)he'd probably get home, open up the day planner and pencil in "scrap all of humanity" for 8 a.m. tomorrow.

The bus is populated by a diverse group of people - the poor, the mental, the enviro/cheapo granola holier-than-thou assholes, the students, the alcoholics, the kids who go to "alternative school" on the east side, etc...

But, dear readers, lest you think I'm some intolerant right-wing S.O.B. who needs a sensitivity training session, let me assure you I am not. I do not hate the bus because of the people who ride it or because of their peculiar infirmities.

I hate the bus because it is a constant, twice-daily reminder that society continues to fail a whole shitload of people who need the most help.

That's enough soapboxing for one night.


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