Monday, March 27, 2006

And so the pain continues

It hurts so good - Mr. Mellencamp was right. Though I'm guessing he wasn't singing about breaking in a new saddle...I can just barely sit. It's an interesting phenomenon, this saddle business.

My bike came with a seat I not-so-lovingly called "the ass hatchet." After about a week, I bought a different seat.

I went for a nice, Italian-made brand the pronunciation of whose name you would never guess based on how it's spelled. Anyway, it was like sitting on a heavenly cloud compared to the ass hatchet, so all was well with my world. Until I noticed that on long rides the new saddle was, well, not terribly conducive to healthy blood flow. Yeah, you know where.

Hence my most recent saddle purchase (state income taxes are good for something - I've gotten a refund every year I've lived in Wisconsin and have dutifully blown those refunds on biking supplies for the past 3 years - and I know, a refund indicates that I've loaned the state my money interest-free. But if they have my money, I don't, and sometimes that's a good thing. But I digress).

The latest saddle has been medically proven in independent testing to retain more than 80% of the normal blood flow down below. Much to my surprise, the saddle makes a huge difference. I can tell there's better blood flow. Unfortunately, the saddle has memory foam where your "sit bones" contact it. And I'm guessing that until the memory foam develops a memory of my posterior, the saddle shall remain ... slightly unpleasant to sit on.

So here's the choice: possible impotence or sore sit bones.

I may not be able to sit on the couch tonight for more than 5 minutes at a time, but I will at least be able to have kid(s). Someday. Please god not soon.

Sitting is overrated anyway.


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